Tuesday 5 December 2017

Leuthen 260th Anniversay Game

As the title suggests today is the anniversary of the Battle of Leuthen, 5 December 1757, one of Frederick the Great’s truly great victories over the Austrians.

Tomorrow I shall be hosting a game to refight this iconic battle. Yes, I’ve played it many times before but I always live in hope that the Prussians will manage to pull off a victory as convincingly as they did on the day, but to date they’ve only once got even close and usually get beaten!

I decided to do away with using roads as they were probably all covered in snow anyway. I think the table looks better for their absence. Not al the troops shown are actually on table at the start of the game, but it was easier to deploy them where they will come on rather than to have trays of troops littering every flat surface until it was time for them join the fray. How will it go? Who knows but I expect a hard fought and close game.


  1. A lovely table. . . And war room for that matter. Surely, Churchill's wasn't as interesting a space.

    Best Regards,


  2. If the Prussians are usually losing a Leuthen scenario that revolves around the village then that suggests that you need to tweak the scenario a bit more.

    My take on it is that there were just too many Austrian infantry in the game and they overwhelm the Prussians with their numbers as more and more of them arrive.

    One idea, eliminate the Reichsarmee contingent as historically they were already gone by the time the fighting reached Leuthen village.

    Second idea: start the Prussian infantry closer to Leuthen

    1. Thanks Jim

      I have given the Reich's troops some initial casualties so they ought not to last very long. Imho the Prussian need to just 'gan canny ' as we would say in ME England and not charge he'll for leather towards the village. Let the cavalry take the strain. Use the equivalent of 70 12pdr guns to effect and wear the Kaiserlichs down. In theory anyway. ๐Ÿ˜

  3. Very handsome table and game room, Colin. I look forward to your report out on Leuthen.

  4. It all looks very good - reminds me of a hot day in Kenilworth in June! I hope this time you get what your heart desires.

    1. Thanks Chris. A good game is all I wish for.

  5. As ever a fine looking table! Let’s hope you get your desired outcome this time.

    1. A win for the Prussians would,be great, unless of course I am playing on the Austrian side....

  6. Looking forward to the write up because it looks splendid.

  7. Very much looking forward to seeing how this plays out. It looks great...
