Thursday, 28 December 2017

Saxon Army of the War of the Austrian Succession And Seven Years War 2nd edition

This was a Christmas gift and what a great one! I already have the original edition but had hinted that I would like a copy of the revised edition, and hey presto! There is literally loads more information and many more illustrations so this is a MUST for any 18th century Saxon army aficionados. My Saxon army is already big enough with about 10 infantry battalions, 7 or 8 cavalry regiments and a couple of batteries of cannon but I guess I could always squeeze another unit or so into the ORBAT from my lead mountain. I might even get my Saxon Uhlans finished one day?  There are already some great figures available in 28mm such as Eureka and even Black Hussar, and later this year Can Tara will be releasing the start of a new range of Saxons, so just buy the book and enjoy it!


  1. This looks very promising. Thanks for mentioning it since I was not aware a second edition had been issued.

    Best Regards,

