Sunday 1 September 2019

More lost 18th Century treasures from under the table.

Brunswick von Roth hussars.
Last weekend, as well as relieving Vienna, I used the sunny weather as an excuse to do a large batch of sanding and static grassing in the garden. Why? Well in the deepest darkest depths under my games table where only the cats choose to venture I 'found’ or 'rediscovered' a rather large number of painted Seven Years War figures, namely English, Scots, Brunswickers, Hessians and Hanoverians. They are mainly Minden and Foundry with a few Crusader Minis and Warlord, all painted (to varying degrees of quality depending upon their lineage) and stuck to mdf bases but that was all. They even had their flags either fitted or in the box so I knew exactly what was what or who was who, even if I still struggle with 'why' as it's only recently that I decided to do some French for the Western theatres of the SYW or the Wars of Polish and Austrian Succession. They were probably started so we could refight some of the Western theatre battles against Robbie’s French. Move on a few years and here I am with instant opposition for my own still rather outnumbered French: 16 btns of foot, 1 of jäger, 9 squadrons of horse/dragoons, 4 of hussars and 6 or 7 guns. Serendipity. I better get some generals started.
Hanoverian Garde du Corps
Hanoverian Zepelin regiment of horse
Brunswick Carabiniers
His Majesty's 20th, 87th, 12th and 51st regiments of foot (front to back)
Hanoverian foot l to r:  Zandre, Sachsen-Gotha, Schieter, Knesebeck (I think).
There is also a battalion of grenadiers.
Hessian Horse and dragoons: Pruschenck and Millitz horse and the larger Leib Dragoons (the flags need changing)
Hessian Hussaren Korps.

Not a bad find and I'm keen to get them on the table for their baptism of fire.


  1. My God, the Missing Link or the Ark of the Covenant will turn up next! Mark my words!

  2. Very nice re-discovery Colin. What else lies beneath we all wonder...

    1. There are more cavalry and Dragoons (English and Hanoverian).

    2. And a regiment of Saxon chevau leger

  3. What luck! They are all gorgeous.

    Best Regards,


  4. Blimey! I wish I could fins a long lost box like this in my shed!

    1. Thanks Ray. I've also found loads of stuff destined for eBay.

  5. I bet you stashed them under the table until Katherine forgot about them.

    1. All we need to do is invent spray on dust... and you won’t have hide them for years...;-)

  6. Is there any 18th. century army you don't have ?
