Sunday, 12 April 2020

Franco Prussian War French

I didn’t feel like painting much today but decided that I’d finish off some figures first started over three, probably four, years ago. They’d been stuck to their bases and then left that way during the house move and I’d never got around to completing them.  Ok, I need a few tufts to really finish them  off but the ones I’ve got are reserved for the French Revolution figures at the moment.And some flags.....

First up, a battalion of Voltiguers of the Imperial Guard. 
Next a battalion Of Tirailleurs Algerians, or Turcos. Foundry figures.

Finally two battalions one of the four Colonial or Marine Regiments. They weren’t  marines as such but  belonged to the  Ministry of Marine which oversaw all Colonial ‘stuff’. Feel free to correct me but it was an arrangement something like that.

I’d forgotten how nice my FPW collection was, so I think a 28mm FPW game is on the cards sometime soon.

Now back to the main task in hand, the French Revolutionary Wars.


  1. I especially like the Voltigeurs of the Garde Colin. Being dressed like that one wonders how the French were beaten.The height of military fashion.

    1. Thankyou Robbie. That can be said for many armies through history

  2. Didn't know you had a FPW collection Colin. I must try to keep up I think. Nice units there!

    1. Not been out of the box for a very long time.

  3. Great stuff, though I think I would be giving them a Matt spray finish as the gloss reflects to obscure much detail.

    1. Thanks. I don't do Matt varnish. In normal daylight there's no glare.

  4. Some lovely looking toys Colin...
    This is a favourite period of mine... I used to have a decent collection... but sold it in a moment of madness when I lived in a small flat in the city centre...
    I am now slowly rebuilding it using the Classic Spencer Smith range.

    All the best. Aly
