Monday, 6 April 2020

In Deo Veritas. New Fast Play 17thC Rules from Helion

As the title says, my first impression on seeing this rule set was good. It would have been too easy to say “Oh no, another set of English Civil War rules!” Not so. Having read through them a few times my positive first impression remains unchanged. I’ve not used them yet due to the present ‘Great Confinement’ but don’t expect them to be difficult to get the hang of once the mechanisms have been committed to what passes for my memory. Most importantly I do like the fact that they’re not wall-to-wall photos with a few rules tucked in around the pictures and costing three times as much!

The rules are well laid out, and the index and larger than normal font makes a big difference  in navigating ones way through them. The  mechanisms are easy to follow, with a minimum of charts and tables. They certainly don’t appear to be especially complex. My earlier comment notwithstanding the booklet is well supplied with nice colour photos of figures in action, and illustrating elements of the rules.

 For me the scenarios included towards the end are of particular interest. I don’t own an ECW collection but do have other 17th century armies so I am keen to give them a try to see how well they provide a fast and simple game with the correct 17thC feel about them. So, well worth getting hold of. Recommended.


  1. Good stuff.
    That was my sense when I ordered them (still not received though I guess a general slowing down is to be expected).
    I'm also interested in 1670-1695 period, and I got the impression they were more than another ECW set. All good to hear. Look forward to your first games.

  2. Can I ask - How many figures would be required for a battle? Do they work with 15mm figures. Any basing requirements? How big a table is required?

    Thanks in anticipation

    1. Hi,
      Most of your questions are answered here

      The system uses unit bases, and the number of units depends on how large your army is. The visual impression that you want to achieve is the key to the number of figures on a base. It's your choice.

  3. Interesting Calin, do you think they would lend themselves to eastern Europe?

    1. That all depends on which forces you want to recreate. In the initial rules there are opportunities for Croats and similar types. An additional expansion to cover the Ottoman wars is in progress but will not be available for a while.

  4. I have purchased these rules and I have a number of questions. Is this the best forum for doing so, or is there a preferred forum?

    1. Not really. I still haven't had a game with them due to the lockdown. You might be better off posting on TMP. Hope that helps.

    2. Thanks! I only mentioned it because it appears that the author (I assume that's who PhilG is) reads this blog.

    3. No problem. Not sure it's him bit perhaps he does read it.

  5. I am the author and I do read this blog. Colin - you could try the Wittstock scenario from IDV and compare how it plays.
    The best place for any questions is on Helion Wargames' Facebook page under the community tab. This sends me a notification that I can respond to.

    Stay well, Phil

    1. Thank you for the reply, Mr Garton. Unfortunately I am not on Facebook. I'm surprised Helion doesn't have a Forum on its website. I could post my questions to The Miniatures Page but I don't know how you feel about that site.

  6. Hi Rick,
    Unfortunately, I am not on the TMP forum. If you send your questions to Helion, with your thoughts about a forum, then they should forward them to me and we can get your questions answered.
