Friday, 10 April 2020

Monthly progress report Feb and March 2020

”And all of a sudden it was April.” Where has the year gone?  As the days creep closer to Easter Sunday and my 62nd birthday (yikes!) the first three months of the year appear to have passed in a blur. Ok,  now we have the major crisis of ‘The Great Confinement’ the world is slowing down big time, but my painting mojo has gone up a few notches and the output has been quite staggering even for me.  The list below  contains figures painted and based wholly by me. Most have already seen action, and those that have yet to do so will be on the table next week in another campaign game. Everything completed over the past two months has been for my French Revolutionary Wars collection, due largely to the 1793 Flanders Campaign I’ve started with the participation of a number of my wargaming friends.

Hanoverian horse artillery x 12 + 3 cannon
French horse artillery x 12 + 3 cannon
Hanoverian 14th Light Infantry skirmishers x 14
Hanoverian 14th Light Infantry close order x 20
Hanoverian for artillery x 17
Emigre Light Infantry x 12
Emigre command group x 3 figs
Emigre general x 1
Scots Greys x 12
Military band x 6
Hanoverian Light Dragoons x 12
Dying general vignette 3 figs
Emigre Mirabeau infantry x 24
Austrian Grun Lauren Freikorps x 28
Hanoverian Cavalry x 12
Hanoverian Riflemen x 7

French Hussars du Mort x 12 (repaint)

Wargame shows - 2
Games - 6 (including 2 at the Club in Durham)

Sometime over the last week I apparently also passed 500,000 views on this blog. Ever since the lockdown the daily number of views has doubled or more. Of course, I don’t know how accurate the counter widget thingy is but not a bad effort if I may say so. (And I did set it not to count my visits).

April onwards, well from now really, I REALLY MUST get cracking with my 1/72 scale WSS figures, although the pressure is off as I doubt they will see the table and the big game we were planning until later this year. Plenty of time therefore to finish off more FRW figures and even base up the rest of my War of 1812 collection painted by friend Barry earlier this year. And then there’s the Italian Wars........

I hope everyone can keep safe and well (their loved ones too) during these difficult times. In the meantime we must be grateful for never having grown up and allowed ourselves to be immersed in our wonderful hobby.


  1. That's a prodigious amount of painting Colin and congratulations on the 500K. Yes, its certainly a time for getting through the projects at the moment and once again reiterates the wonderful aspect of having a hobby in these modern times. No risk of us being bored at all!

  2. I shouldn't have clicked on this. My God but it depresses me to see how much you are churning out.

  3. Fine progress, good to see the lockdown has not dampened your painting mojo.
