Friday 8 January 2021

Rockets Away.....!

A very quick note to accompany the attached pictures, which illustrate the sublime to the ridiculous. Finished these two units for the War of 1812 today. Firstly a Royal Marine Artillery rocket section. A few head swaps were needed to get the (almost) right headgear. RMA other ranks wore blue, officers red. The other picture is the 7th New York Dragoons, a tiny militia unit. I had a couple of spare plastic Perry British Light Dragoons bits, with tarleton heads, so why not add a splash of colour? I might do the Boston Hussars next!

I have another 1812 game on Saturday , which I’m looking forward to.


  1. Nice work on some unusual units.

  2. Very nice rocket units Colin and am looking forward to reading about your game this weekend.

  3. Nice work on Eagle Miniatures rocket battery there.

  4. Glad to see some rockets units...well done!

  5. Great work Colin - I was lazy and just left my rocket crews looking like RHA....
