Monday, 3 December 2018

And yet more reinforcements

A few more 'Blancs' to whet the appetite. The first two units (62nd Line and 2nd Chasseurs) are from Revolutionary Armies, painted by my mate Barry and based by me. The last unit lurking at the back are Eureka Miniatures acquired off Mark Allen, rebased by me. They go well together I reckon. I may have to replace the flags of all my 'Blancs' as there is some debate as to when they removed the fleurs de lyes from Ancien Regime regiments. This lot are destined for games set in between 1792 and early 1794 so I might be ok.

I really must find my camera before Wednesday when I am hosting my annual refight of Leuthen 5 December 1757.


  1. Basing frenzy, no other phrase comes near it! Nice additions to the project there Colin.
