Sunday 22 March 2020

Hanoverian 14th Light Infantry Regiment Skirmishers

As planned I've managed to get the skirmish bases completed for this unit. I've already got them in close order but as I use Gen d'Armee I needed them in skirmish order as well because as a light infantry regiment they can operate in either. These are all Victrix plastic Austrian Napoleonic Landwehr with a couple of early French bodies to add a little variety. I'm quite pleased with the way they've turned out although it may be a while before they see action unless I play something solo or can find a way using technology to involve another player.

It's been a madhouse by t also a very productive week. Even if I am locked up for 12 weeks I somehow doubt I'll run out of figures!


  1. Looking very nice Colin. Your productivity is amazing!

  2. Glad to see this splendid kind of vignette, beautiful and creative works...

  3. Very nice! We too are on lock down, but luckily have a garden to allow some outside 'fun' alongside wargaming and Netflix.

  4. Great looking unit Colin, keep painting, keep blogging and keep safe 🙂

  5. Nice additions Colin! The bases work well don't they?

  6. Cracking bases old chum!
    Stay safe, best wishes,

  7. Nice work Colin, you may melt the ice cap of your lead mountain.
