Thursday 9 July 2020

The Production Line - more Italian Wars figures

In the previous post I mentioned the production line I have going when my painting mojo is on overdrive, as it is and has been for a few weeks now.

As an example, ALL of these figures reached completion this afternoon.  The gendarmes and the armoured ‘archers’ heavy cavalry were already painted but I did a bit of tidying up and did all the bases. The mounted crossbowmen were only started from scratch on Wednesday but they were very straightforward to do.

Venetian mounted crossbows

French ‘archers’ heavy cavalry

French Gensdarmes. Very pretty.

I hope to show a unit of 96 Landsneckts tomorrow, some of which I bought painted but had to tidy up and enliven a fair bit,  and the rest I did myself.


  1. Great work and you are very productive. A 96 figure pike block? That will be something to see.

    1. Actually, sorry to disappoint but at the moment it’s just 72 figures.

  2. Great Scott - you're prolific!!!

    1. Thanks, I’m just in the mood so full speed ahead......

  3. Very nice additions. You are charging along with this project Colin.
