Friday 20 April 2018


I thought it was time for another post so have decided to put up a few photos of my 1806 Saxons, the vast majority of which I purchased painted over a year ago. I got them for £5 per foot figure and £10 I think for the cavalry. Thats PAINTED which is an absolute bargain. The two combined grenadier battalions were painted by my friend Barry.

The figures are all Elite Miniatures and in total there are six battalions of musketeers, 2 of combined grenadiers and one of grenadier guard, accompanied by a regiment of hussars. The flags are from Adolfo Ramos. Sadly my painting is not up to the standard of these figures, and the commanders and some of the cavalry in the painting queue are Foundry and therefore a little short by comparison. I'm loath to sell them (even though I bought them during one of their 20% off sales and therefore might almost get my money back) and buy Elite Miniatures cavalry figures for the moment. A regiment each of cuirassiers and cheveau-legers would cost me another £140 or thereabouts. We shall see....

I finally have the joiner coming in next week to make the alterations to my table and to put up a couple of my old cabinets from the previous games room, so am eagerly anticipating that so I can hopefully have a game the week after.

I've ordered some new paints reviewed favourably in Miniature War-games this month. War Colours from Cypress. Once I've had a go with them I shall pass verdict. 


  1. Really lovely figures Colin. Very impressed by your Elites and the entire range of your collection.

  2. Elite Miniatures are not to my taste, Colin, but each to their own is our rule. Good luck with the joiner...

    1. Thanks David. I know what you mean about Elite minis; I like their Napoleonics but not their SYW. Marmite.

  3. Awesome! love the figures and paint work! Great looking army to boot too! :o)

    1. Thanks Phil. I wish I could claim credit for the painting but sadly way above my abilities these days....

  4. I like Elite Colin they have a certain panache!

    1. Thanks Willie, sadly the panache won't be seen on the battlefield I suspect!

  5. Superb Colin. Particularly impressive 'en masse' like this!
