Monday, 23 April 2018

New oddments for the FRW and 1806. A bits box clear out.

I had quite a few odd figures knocking around so over the last couple of days have been getting them finished. They're not my best but they will do for me as I enjoyed doing them.

Of no use whatsoever, a Prussian hussar picket of HR No 5 for the 1806 campaign. The figures are FGMiniz . I have a couple more that are almost done. I will surely find a use for them, not that the scouting prowess of the Prussians was anything to write home about.
These figures represent a detachments of the O'Donnell Freikorps, an Austrian unit raised in the early 1790s.  The hats probably should be of the 'Klobuk' pattern but I didn't have any hanging around. Their yukkey green coats and scarlet pants must have made them pretty tough boys in a fight. Eureka figures collected from Salute back in 2017.
Grenz in more traditional dress for a change. Eureka again. The bits of grass will be removed forthwith!
The guys at the front of the photo are Eureka Grenz in (mostly) more normal uniforms, but armed with the Hackenlanz (pointy stick) and  Doppelstutz, an over and under two barrelled rifle. 
More later this week if my mojo is retained.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks Matt. I shall no doubt add to the ODonnel FK as I know I have some more suitable Eureka figures somewhere.

  2. Colin, your mojo seems to be in full flight! Makes my painting of 6 figures of Perry 28mm Napoleonic Prussian Silesian Ulans seem weak in comparison....

    1. Yep. I am on a roll this week. Got another 18 Franz and some commanders on the go as well as 10 battalions of Prussians to base!

    2. A roll? More like a tidal wave I'd say!

  3. Nice work and I love the Hackenlanz, which I'd never heard of before. I might add that to my ImagiNations troops...

    1. Thanks Steve. I think the hakenlanz is pretty cool and probably pretty useless. But fun. Therefore a must for any self respecting Austrian army.

  4. Nice figs Colin, I like the Grenz too. The Hakenlanz is a left over from the Turkish wars and could be joined together to form a chevaux de frise. The gun's pretty cool, but it must have weighed a ton!

  5. I do like all these figures Colin, but especially the Hussars at the top. No use for anything? Actually they are well designed and do perfectly illustrate that you can't skirmish from horseback unless your nag is 90 degrees to the target, as nicely shown by my Hussarette photo shoot in 2012 , see :
