Thursday 22 October 2020

City building project continues


Well, I have gone totally over the top! The past couple of weeks have seen me plough through a pile of MDF buildings and plastic city walls to the point where I think I was ready to take a hammer to the lot of them! Well, maybe not that drastic but I was beginning to fell that I was actually creating something that’d never see the light of day other than as a scenic prop at the edge of my table. As I said in an earlier post, the plan was to build the city to run down the edge of my display game at the now cancelled Battleground 2020 show in Stockton, which should have been held next month. That’s not going to happen now but maybe in 2021...or 2022? Who knows.

Anyway, most of these buildings have now been constructed and painted. I managed to knock them off over four or five afternoons. I textured and then painted them and gave them ‘proper’ terracotta roofs. I just wanted to present a sea of rooftops and towers over the city wall and as I doubt I’ll stage any games needing street fighting it doesn’t matter that they look a bit scruffy. Almost all of the buildings are from TTCombat’s Streets of Venice range. They are quite big but given their planned use I don’t think that matters. I’m quite happy with progress so far and by the end of the week they should be finished, well maybe most of them..... but where will I keep them! The walls and the taller towers are Renendra, and I have another two towers and two wall sections to finish. Then, even though I’ve just said I have no plans to fight any games inside the city but I need to complete my Renaissance civilians, football teams and city officials to populate the streets. and speaking of streets, I need some more cobblestone sheets or similar. Oh yes, and some statues for the plinths and columns.

Ps the fortress on the grey hill has nothing to do with this city. I need to tart it up and make it a bit lighter, plus some grass, tufts, etc for the mountain.


  1. Looking great (worth all the effort) - a nice selection of Italian real estate...

  2. They look great and well worth the effort IMHO.

  3. Impressive but of limited use I fear.

    1. Thanks. I think it’ll be more useful than you think.

  4. Looks fantastic Colin ๐Ÿ˜

  5. I love these and you have done wonderful work on texturing the MDF.

    I am in a similar bind. What started out as a 10mm walled down in Bavaria for teh side of the table in TYW and WSS, has now become 47 plastic model railway kits ......


  6. Gosh Colin, these are museum quality! Fabulous.
    Regards, James

  7. Pretty cool, probably will work for modern conflicts as well.

  8. Looking good Colin I do hope it sees a show in 2021

  9. Splendid effort on the city Colin! But, if storage in the Burrow is becoming tight, just dig out a bunker/basement, you know you want one...๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. This is really cool and as you say, useable for a multitude of periods - many smaller Italian towns still look like this today, so any conflict in Italy since around 1500 would fit in with this layout. Those TTCombat buildings really are very nice and a great price too - maybe you can look at 3 Musketeer type skirmish games through the streets and bars of this city?!
